“Double coated welding electrode!” What does it actually mean?

Double coated or also called rutile basic electrodes are invented to combine all unique properties from both rutile and basic electrodes. The rutile (TiO2) in the coating promotes finer droplets in the arc and a much more centered and stable arc. The basic part (mainly CaO and CaF2) is promoting ductility and cleaner weld metal that results in higher impact properties and elongation.

To manufacture this type there are two production methods:

1)    Mixing all ingredients such as SiO2, FeO, TiO2, MnO, MgO, CaO and CaF2 with waterglass and than press onto the core wire.
2)    Pressing first a thin coating of rutile and apply a second pressing with the more basic coating.

At the end both methods are offering satisfying results although the old method (pressing twice) still offers the best weldability, but a special press is needed and therefore most of these electrodes on the market are only pressed once.

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