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Welding positions are globally defined according to standardized classifications, but there are some differences in the notations used in Europe and America. These differences pertain to the designations applied by the European Welding Standards (EN ISO) and the American Welding Society (AWS). Despite the different notations, it's important to note that the fundamental principles of welding positions remain consistent. Understanding these positions is crucial for welders, whether they are working according to European or American standards. The ability to master various welding positions,

coupled with knowledge of the specific notations of the applicable standards, is crucial for producing high-quality and compliant weld joints. Awareness of these regional differences also promotes international standardization and communication within the welding industry. Choosing the correct welding position is essential for a successful welding process. Factors such as gravity, welding speed, heat-affected zone, and welding quality must be taken into consideration. Welders often need to master various positions to meet the requirements of different projects.

In conclusion, understanding welding positions is crucial for welders to create high-quality and durable welded joints, considering the specific demands of each welding project. For a clear overview, we have designed our welding position poster.

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